Summary of Route
- Type: Out and back; mountain view camping
- Rating: 2/5
- Season: Summer
- Length: 15.2km one way from start of gravel road
- Vehicle suitability: Stock 4x4 with all terrain tires

The Route
The Upper Bridal Falls – Chipmunk FSR is a challenging route that is closer to “off-roading” than overland and is best utilized for testing your vehicles capabilities. This route steadily increases in difficulty, allowing you an option to bail out after each portion. While the final destination presents beautiful views, the entirety of the preceding route is treed in and has significant obstacles throughout. Completing this route with a second vehicle, or at a minimum a spotter, is recommended. While we did not use our rear-locker at any point, no vehicle other than an actual 4x4 with 4 low should attempt this route. This route forms the first half of the “Thurston Loop”.
Located south east of Chilliwack, British Columbia, access occurs off of Chilliwack Lake Road. Proceed down Chilliwack Lake road for approximately 26.8 km’s, taking a left turn onto Bench FSR, although all consulted maps indicate this is Foley Creek FSR (GPS coordinates 49.09988, -121.62681). Shortly before this turn off you will notice Ford Mountain Correctional Centre on your left. At Bench/Foley Creek FSR there is a large sign indicating “Welcome to the Chilliwack River Valley”.
Proceed along Bench/Foley Creek FSR for a short distance, taking a left after crossing the bridge over Foley Creek. Proceeding west you will encounter many opportunities for camping along the Chilliwack River. One of our favorites occurs approximately 0.8km after crossing Foley Creek at GPS coordinates 49.10783, -121.63983. Proceed along the dirt track found on your left to gain access to Chilliwack River with multiple camping opportunities. In contrast to many of the dispersed sites on the north side of Chilliwack River, this site is more open and the best spots will allow you to enjoy daytime sun. Access is only recommended for 4x4 vehicles. Be aware that much of this area receives considerable traffic on weekends; however, on a beautiful Thursday in July we were the only ones at this site.
After passing the foregoing site, continue travelling west along Chilliwack River. Approximately 1.8km after crossing the bridge at Foley Creek you will reach an intersection with signs for “Mt Cheam” and “Chipmunk FSR” (GPS coordinates 49.10609, -121.64800). Bear right onto Chipmunk FSR. You will be travelling on Chipmunk FSR for the next 6.6km’s, bearing right at all intersections. This road is in relatively good conditions albeit quite potholed.
As you travelling along Chipmunk FSR, several FSR off-shoots are worth exploring. One of our favorites occurs on your left after traveling 2.2km’s at GPS coordinates 49.11648, -121.66185. This off-shoot is short but provides an easily accessible spot to spend the night with south facing views.
After having travelling 6.6km’s on Chipmunk FSR you will reach an intersection at GPS coordinates 49.14412, -121.69509. For this route you will want to take the left turn, continuing on Chipmunk FSR. A right turn will take you to the parking lot for Mount Cheam. As you bear left, the road immediately narrows and becomes somewhat more challenging. If you are completing this route after recent rains, expect to cross some small water portions.
After traveling on this portion of Chipmunk FSR for 3.6km’s you will reach a signed intersection. This completes the first portion of the route. If you were uncomfortable with the difficulty to this point, we recommend you park your vehicle and hike the remaining distance. For those continuing, bear right. The next section runs for approximately 2.2 km’s with no turn-around opportunities. You will be crossing larger pools of water and traversing several small rock beds. If you have not already aired down, it is recommended that you do so now.
After completing this portion another intersection occurs. Bearing right will take you to the first views of the day at “Bridal Saddle”. To continue to the final site, take the left route. The route becomes more challenging again, so consider walking the remainder if the prior portion was too challenging as the next 2.4km’s present few turn-around opportunities. This section has more boulder fields and line selection is paramount.
Should you continue, beautiful views over the Fraser Valley await. There is room for multiple vehicles or tents at Upper Bridal Falls launch point. Due to the exposure, a decent breeze was present during our visit keeping the bugs at bay. Once up, be sure to explore and check out the nearby Chilliwack Snowmobile Club Thurston Cabin (GPS coordinates 49.14386, -121.74579). While the road continues and eventually returns to Bench FSR, we have not driven the loop portion of the road and accordingly can not comment on its condition.